Are fish oils as healthy as we think?

Are Fish Oil Supplements as Healthy as We Think? Is Eating Fish Better?

Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for our health, are a hot topic in nutrition. But what does the evidence truly say about their benefits, and is consuming fish a superior alternative to taking omega-3 supplements?

Understanding Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid crucial for our well-being. They are categorized into three main types:

  1. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): Found in plant foods like green leafy vegetables, walnuts, flaxseed, and chia seeds.
  2. Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA): Primarily found in seafood, eggs (especially free-range), and breast milk.
  3. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): Also mainly sourced from seafood, eggs (preferably free-range), and breast milk.

These fatty acids are essential for the structure of our cells and play key roles in maintaining the health of our heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system.

Eating Fish vs. Taking Supplements

Initial studies highlighting the potential health benefits of omega-3 fats came from observing people who consumed fish, not fish oil supplements. This raises the question: Do the active components, EPA and DHA, in supplements have the same impact on our bodies as those derived from fish?

Research indicates that the levels of EPA and DHA in the body increase similarly whether obtained from fish or fish oil supplements. However, it’s essential to consider that fish may offer additional benefits that supplements cannot replicate. Fish is a rich source of various nutrients such as protein, vitamins A and D, iodine, and selenium, which may contribute to the health advantages observed.

Heart Disease

Regarding cardiovascular health, a meta-analysis suggests that fish oil supplementation may have minimal or no impact on reducing the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, consuming fish, particularly varieties rich in omega-3 fats like tuna and salmon, has been associated with a 4% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. While fish oil may benefit individuals with heart failure or high triglycerides, it’s not recommended for general heart disease prevention.


For rheumatoid arthritis, studies show that fish oil supplements can be effective in reducing disease severity and progression. However, the high levels of EPA and DHA required for these benefits may be challenging and costly to attain solely from fish consumption. Arthritis Australia suggests a daily intake of about 2.7 grams of EPA and DHA, which may necessitate a considerable number of fish oil capsules or servings of fish.


In the context of dementia, research provides mixed results. Some studies suggest a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease with increased DHA intake from diet. Yet, supplementing with omega-3 fats hasn’t consistently shown cognitive benefits. The Alzheimer’s Society recommends consuming fish over taking fish oil supplements, indicating potential protective benefits beyond omega-3 fats in fish.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating a healthy, plant-based diet with fish and minimal ultra-processed foods is advisable for overall health. Currently, evidence supports fish oil for rheumatoid arthritis, particularly when consuming ample fish is challenging. For dementia and heart disease prevention, obtaining omega-3 fats from your diet, particularly EPA and DHA from seafood, is recommended.

Keep in mind the use-by date of fish oil supplements, as the chemical structure of EPA and DHA can degrade over time. Store them in cold conditions, preferably in the fridge and away from light.

While fish oil supplements generally have minimal serious side effects, consult your healthcare professionals, especially if you’re taking other medications, before adding them to your routine.

In summary, the evidence suggests that incorporating fish into your diet may provide a more comprehensive range of benefits compared to omega-3 supplements.


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