74.9% of tourists encounter difficulty in reserving scenic spots as China experiences summer tourism peak: survey

Post-COVID Summer Tourism Challenges: Reservations and Opportunities

As the warmth of summer blankets the nation, China’s tourism industry is experiencing a vibrant resurgence, with travelers flocking to various destinations for a much-needed break. Amid this rekindled wanderlust, the complexities of post-pandemic travel are becoming evident. A recent survey conducted with 1,501 participants sheds light on the hurdles that both tourists and attractions are facing, while also pointing towards new avenues of opportunity.

Reservations Woes and Operational Hours

The survey revealed that a staggering 74.9 percent of respondents encountered difficulties while trying to secure reservations for main attractions and venues. The limited operating hours of these sites further exacerbated the inconvenience, particularly affecting parents and children seeking memorable experiences during their journeys.

A Call for Extended Hours and Off-Peak Wisdom

In response to these challenges, 61.4 percent of survey participants suggested the extension of operating hours for attractions and venues. The rationale behind this recommendation is to provide travelers with more flexibility, allowing them to explore at their own pace. Additionally, 59.0 percent of respondents proposed opting for off-peak periods to enjoy their holidays. This strategic approach not only eases the strain on heavily frequented sites but also promises a more serene and enjoyable experience for tourists.

A Sizzling Summer Outlook

Media reports predict that the summer of 2023 will witness an unprecedented tourism surge, surpassing even the pre-pandemic numbers of 2019. During the months of July and August, as students revel in their summer break, an estimated 1.331 billion domestic tourist trips are expected to occur. This translates to a substantial 20.18 percent of the entire annual domestic tourism volume, as forecasted by the China Tourism Academy.

Remarkably, it’s the student and family traveler segments that are driving this revival in summer tourism. These groups have shown significant growth, underscoring the resumption of peak-season activity over the warmer months. Data highlights that tourists under 18 and those aged 34 to 43 collectively constitute over 50 percent of the visitor base, with children alone accounting for 10 percent.

Embracing Change: Extended Hours and Adaptations

Recognizing the need to enhance the tourist experience, several popular sites in Beijing have embraced change by extending their opening hours while prioritizing safety and service quality. Moreover, eligible tourist destinations are now offering night shows and increased nocturnal tours. The Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau has gone a step further, allowing access to 46 museums throughout the week until August 31, catering to the summer vacation rush.

Unveiling a New Dawn for Travel

As the sun sets on conventional travel norms, China’s tourism industry is navigating uncharted waters, adapting to the evolving needs of visitors. The challenges presented by post-COVID tourism have spurred innovation, prompting attractions to revisit their operational strategies. With extended hours, off-peak recommendations, and a heightened focus on the visitor experience, the nation’s tourism landscape is transforming into a more accessible, enjoyable, and inclusive realm for all.

In conclusion, as China’s summer tourism season heats up, the industry is grappling with reservation obstacles while seizing the opportunity to enhance the overall travel experience. With a strong focus on adapting to changing demographics, extending operating hours, and embracing innovation, the nation’s attractions are on a trajectory toward redefining travel for a new era.


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